Bradley has gained widespread attention on social media due to his remarkable physical attributes. Felix Odiwour, popularly known as Jalang’o, has offered sound advice to Bradley Marongo, also known in social circles as Gen Z Goliath, urging him to seise the moment and maximise his current fame before it fades.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
Jalang’o’s comments came during a recent episode of theIko Nini Podcast, where he expressed admiration for Marongo’s rapid rise to fame but stressed the importance of sustainability.
Marongo, who has become a social media sensation due to his extraordinary height of 8.7 feet and his impressive shoe size of 49, has captured public attention wherever he goes.
His unique physical features have led to increased public interest, which in turn has resulted in lucrative endorsement deals.
As of now, Marongo has secured three major endorsement contracts, including partnerships with a car company, a shoe company and a burger chain. Additionally, he was recently awarded a fully paid trip to Diani.
While acknowledging Marongo’s rapid success, Jalang’o encouraged him to make the most of this unique opportunity and to think long-term.
“Right now we have the tall guy, Bradley, Gen Z Goliath, this is a guy who just had a normal life, God’s timing worked on him to be able to be noticed. As we speak, he is in Diani, and we are happy for him,”Jalang’o said, emphasising that success can be fleeting if not handled carefully.
Jalang’o highlighted the significance of securing contracts that last beyond Marongo’s current wave of fame, pointing out that fame is often short-lived if not managed effectively.
“He has endorsed a car company, he has endorsed a burger company, so our only hope is that the people in charge of his brand will look for something that lasts longer than him being tall. What can he be able to do?
“And the people using this brand, I hope, are also signing better contracts that can last him a longer time. We don’t want to see Bradley back to where he was again,”Jalang’o added.
Jalang’o’s message also contained a cautionary element, where he referenced past social media personalities whose fame faded as quickly as it arrived. He urged Marongo to learn from their experiences.
“Dear Goliath… Do you know Getheri man? Do you know Uhuru look alike, Do you know Serekali saidia and the many more?
“Take everything they are offering you, they tend to forget very fast! Sign better contracts now… Wish you well!”Jalang’o warned, stressing the need for Marongo to make every moment count….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>