In a startling revelation, a newly-wedded wife, who wishes to remain anonymous, shared her harrowing experience on Vivian’s Story Time show. She recounted how her desire for wealth led her into a marriage with a ritualist.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The woman disclosed that before her marriage, she had turned down a proposal from a student who was deeply in love with her, as she was uncertain about his future prospects. Soon after, she met her future husband at a mall. Captivated by his flashy car, fleet of vehicles, and luxurious mansion, she quickly fell for his apparent wealth.

Just two weeks after their initial encounter, the man proposed, and she eagerly accepted, driven by her infatuation with his affluence. However, after the wedding, her life took a dark turn. Her husband did not consummate their marriage; instead, he would intoxicate her and force his dog to engage in acts with her.

Initially unaware of these incidents, the woman eventually pretended to sleep to uncover the truth. She was horrified to discover her husband performing incantations and allowing his dog to violate her.

Upon confronting him, he confessed to being a ritualist, reliant on these abhorrent acts for his wealth. He also admitted that he would go mad if the rituals were not carried out.

Seeking medical attention, the woman learned that her womb had been damaged, rendering her unable to conceive. She concluded her story with a cautionary message to other women, urging them to be careful in their choice of partners…CONTINUE READING>>

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