Ellena has been working as a househelp from the age of six. Her dad died while she was young and she was left under the care of her mother but du ue to poverty, her mum was unable to her to school.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to Ellena, her mum became an alcoholic after she was unable to sustain her needs and all she could do was to take her to different houses where she worked as a househelp and she would receive Ellena’s salary.

She worked in a house where her boss would attack and force himself on her at night while his kids watched.

Ellena had no one to share with on what she was going through.

Everytime she would be allowed to go back home, she would refuse to return to her employer’s house, but her mother would force and she would go back heartbroken.

Her boss continued to take advantage of her until when his children also started taking advantage of her and she decided to go back home but her mother would always take her to different houses so that she can get money.

Ellena has been a househelp from when she was young up to date. She managed to run away at the age of 17 and decided to look for a job because her mum used to take all the salary and she was left with nothing.

She is still a househelp but she still hopes that her dream of becoming an actress will one day be fulfilled although she did not manage to go to school.

She has also urged parents to always give their children attention and listen to them to avoid a similar incident that happened to her…CONTINUE READING>>

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