Former Public Service CS Moses Kuria has said his generation is here to stay refuting assertions by Nandi Governor Stephen Sang that it will be the last to lead the country.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking in Nandi county on Sarturday during a burial ceremony, Kuria said his generation will lead the country well under the stewardship of President William Ruto.

“Wacha nikwambie hakuna mahali tunaenda (Let me tell you, we are going nowhere). I want to promise you that our generation is not going to let Kenya down,” he said.

Governor Sang who spoke ahead of him had alluded to the country’s leadership being taken over by the younger Generation Z.

But Kuria assured that “under William Ruto our generation will lead Kenya well to a point of saying buy one get one free”.

“So vijana mkuwe watulivu tusonge hapo mbele (So young people, be calm so we can move forward),” he said.

Kuria pledged his unwavering support for President Ruto despite being dismissed from the Cabinet.

This, he said, was because the President chose the country over individuals and the government.

“I want to assure you that our President chose the country. I want to give my total support to our President because without a country we have no government,” he said.

He said it is important to understand the President and why he chose to dismiss his first Cabinet and form a broad-based outfit.

Kuria said the new team which includes members of the Opposition may perform wonders and move the country forward.

“Maybe they have miracles and the cost of fuel will go down, so let’s let the people who have come in government and see how they will perform.

“Sometimes you may think you know better but it’s good to stand aside and see what others can do because this country belongs to all of us and we must help each other,” he said.

On July 11, President Ruto dismissed his entire Cabinet save for Prime Cabinet Secretary and Foreign Affairs CS Musalia Mudavadi.

He then appointed a broad-based government including four of Raila Odinga’s men.

John Mbadi was appointed to head National Treasruy, Wycliffe Oparanya Cooperatives MSMEs docket, Hassan Joho Mining and Blue Economy and Opiyo Wandayi Energy Ministry…CONTINUE READING>>

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