A parliamentary committee has said the government has set aside Sh57 billion to complete roads in various parts of Kenya.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Priority will be given to the major roads whose construction has stalled with the goal of spurring economic growth, said Budget and Appropriations Committee chair Ndindi Nyoro (Kiharu).

Speaking in Gitui Kiharu at an event to mark the start of the tarmacking of the Gitui-Kirogo road, Nyoro said among those targeted is Mau Mau Road, whose construction stopped about two years ago.

Some Sh5 billion has been set aside for the road, he said.

The road cuts across the four counties of Kiambu, Murang’a, Nyeri and Nyandarua. Nyoro (pictured) said it is a critical artery for the region and its completion will be an economic game changer.

“Once the budget is signed, the money will be released to the contractors and they will be able to carry on with the work,” said Nyoro.

He added that once the President signs the appropriations budget, the MP will ask the Treasury to release the funds.

“We will continue sourcing for funds for these projects for their completion so that we are able to focus on others,” he added...CONTINUE READING>>

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