A contingent of Anti-Riot Police officers lobbed teargas canisters to disperse a handful of anti-government protesters in Kitengela town in Kajiado County on Tuesday.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

By 8 am, a contingent of regular police officers, backed by their prison counterparts and two water cannon trucks, had been deployed strategically in the populous town that has recently become the epicentre of anti-government protests in the county. The past protests were allegedly infiltrated by goons, leading to looting sprees.

Around 11 am, a handful of protesters led by Free Kenya Movement chairperson Mr. Bob Njagi emerged blowing whistles, but police officers dispersed them by lobbing teargas canisters.

Attempts to block Namanga Road using stones were thwarted by police officers. Traffic flowed uninterrupted.

“We will not be cowed from pushing for changes in governance. We are demanding corruption-free leaders in government. We will soldier on,” said one of the protesters.

As tension rose, traders closed their businesses in a hurry, leaving the town deserted with minimal activities for the rest of the day.

“These protests are killing the economy. Let the government stop the protests. Most of us depend on the daily operations of our small businesses,” said an eatery owner.

NTV spotted several armed plainclothes officers taking photos of the protesters using their mobile phones.

Following the aftermath of last Tuesday’s protests, some individuals who were allegedly filmed by undercover cops participating in the protests were picked up by sleuths and locked in Loitoktok Police Station. Some were released on Monday after an outcry from relatives who had camped at Kitengela Police Station…CONTINUE READING>>

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