He was adopted when he was about eight-months-old in 1966 in Portsmouth – Charles would have been 17 and Camilla 18 at the time.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Unsurprisingly, he has received radio silence from the Royal Family over the years, having made repeated requests for DNA tests. But that hasn’t stopped him trying to prove his royal heritage. And he now drawn comparisons with his daughter and Princess Charlotte.

Posting on Facebook – as he so often does – Mr Dorante-Day wrote: “Now applying some critical thinking, that could still make it possible for Meriam to look so much like Charlotte, couldn’t it! In fact, it could be said to be a bit revealing – just saying

“I mean, they were around the same age, around the same time, feeling sorry for Charles’ rejection, anything’s possible. The lies that have been told, and the deeds that have been done, nothing would surprise me any more!”

His post was responding to another claim he made yesterday that Prince Edward is actually the real father of Prince William – another one of his long-held beliefs.

Not of it has ever been proven, disproven or commented on by Buckingham Palace….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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