The Ministry of Interior and National Administration has said unresolved land disputes and ex-convicts are responsible for rising insecurity in Vihiga County.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki also cited unemployment, poverty, alcohol and drug abuse.

He said unresolved land disputes lead to murder cases while unemployment tempts the youth to turn to crime.

The CS was responding to a question by Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi who sought an explanation for the rising murders, robberies, breakages and night attacks in recent days.

He also wanted to know specific actions taken to address insecurity cases already reported in Luanda, Cheptulu, Majengo and Esibuye markets.

The senator also sought to know if the resolutions made during a joint meeting between the CS and elected county leaders in January 2023 had been implemented and if steps were being taken to revamp and empower community policing programmes.

Kindiki said more police officers have been deployed to Emakakha Police Post.

He said the fight against crime has been enhanced through community policing and Nyumba Kumi structures.

County and sub-county security and intelligence committee members have conducted the necessary induction, training and other modalities regarding community policing and Nyumba Kumi in every administrative unit.

Community leaders attend security and peace committee meetings where issues are raised, discussed and where necessary, escalated to a higher level.

Kindiki said the National Police Service has trained its officers on the contents and the modalities of Community Policing.

Kindiki said that all murder or robbery cases that have been reported were either pending in courts or investigation.…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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