Key Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leaders were among the beneficiaries of President William Ruto’s latest Cabinet appointments Former Mombasa governor Hassan Joho was named the Cabinet secretary for the Ministry of Mining, Blue Economy, and Maritime Affairs While some Kenyans supported Ruto’s nominees, others felt betrayed after opposition leaders landed key positions in government Nairobi – President William Ruto has unveiled the names of 10 more appointees in his new-look administration.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

On Wednesday, July 24, the president named 4 ODM leaders to his Cabinet.

Ruto nominated Ali Hassan Joho to be the Cabinet secretary for the Ministry of Mining, Blue Economy, and Maritime Affairs.

Nominated ODM MP John Mbadi was named the Cabinet secretary for The National Treasury and Economic Planning.

National Assembly Minority Leader James Opiyo Wandayi is the new Cabinet secretary for the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum.

The Ministry of Co-operatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Development docket went to former Kakamega governor Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya.

Ruto’s new nominees attracted mixed reactions from Kenyans, some of whom expressed displeasure with the nomination.

Other Kenyans supported the nominations, saying they represent the face of the country.

Gwa giff :

“He should revoke the appointment of those former minister otherwise we will deal with h mbaya sana.”

Ahmednasir Abdullahi SC:

“President William Ruto is an amazing human being…he takes bullets for his friends…”

Anwar Saddat:

“ODM Party, the greatest beneficiary of the Gen Z revolution.”

Mutwiri Wilson Meeme:

“Politics of self interest.”

Eric Musyoki:

“The fights with your boss will not end soon. Recycling problems.”

The People’s Watchman:

“Zakayo has appointed corrupt people to fight corruption. It’s important to note Raila Odinga… has betrayed the people, and formed a government… with Zakayo. Raila should say goodbye to that AU chairmanship bid. We shall oppose it.”

A few minutes after his nomination to be the Cabinet Secretary of Mining, Joho a former governor, took to his social to accept the new role.

He also expressed his desire to transform the sectors under his docket if approved by Members of Parliament.

“It is with great humility and profound appreciation that I accept my nomination by H.E William Ruto for the position of Cabinet Secretary of Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs. I extend my sincere gratitude to the Almighty Allah (SWT)for this opportunity to once again serve the great people of Kenya in a different capacity.

Upon confirmation, I look forward to working closely with all relevant stakeholders to ensure the Blue Economy, Mining and Maritime sectors take a leading role in the socio-economic transformation of our nation,” Joho
posted on his Facebook page.

In related news, ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna stated that the party has no plans to join the Kenya Kwanza government.

In a statement released on Tuesday, July 23, Sifuna said some public members have been misled by claims that ODM plans to engage with the Kenya Kwanza government and seek ministerial and other positions in Ruto’s administration.

He stated that ODM party leader Raila Odinga had already clarified his position and that seven issues needed to be resolved before he could engage with the president…CONTINUE READING>>

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