Lawyer and political activist Miguna Miguna has once again sparked controversy with fresh claims questioning the authenticity of Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga’s academic credentials. In a detailed statement shared on social media, Miguna claims to have conducted extensive research into Odinga’s educational background in Germany, raising doubts about whether the former Prime Minister ever graduated from the institutions he claims to have attended.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Raila Odinga is said to have attended German universities in the 1960s and early 1970s; Miguna claims that these visits were part of his inquiry. In contrast to what has been widely reported, Miguna claims that these organisations attested to the fact that Odinga did not complete any accredited course of study or obtain a diploma.

The attorney also states that he spoke with engineers Caleb Olali and Mirulo Riako Okello, who were both supposed to have confirmed Miguna’s claim that Raila did not receive any official academic credentials from Germany, as well as other people who were with Odinga in East Germany at the time.

In addition to accusing Kenya’s political elite of sustaining a system that encourages fraud and ineptitude, Miguna has made more general criticisms of them in the past.

According to Miguna, people with dubious educational and professional credentials have ascended to positions of authority, depriving competent Kenyans of opportunities and exacerbating the nation’s economic problems.

Claiming to have studied engineering in Germany, including at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, is Raila Odinga, a political heavyweight with a storied history in Kenya’s quest for democracy and decent government.

Although there have been rumours and enquiries about his academic background from time to time, he has never been formally accused of fabrication. The most recent remarks made by Miguna are probably going to encourage more people to demand information about public leaders’ educational backgrounds be made public….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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