US-based entrepreneur Wairimu Kimani has profusely apologised to Bishop Muthee Kiengei over the leaked audio in which she talked about him with Damaris aka Dama. According to the evangelist, she did not have words to express how sorry she was for putting her through immense pain.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

“I have prayed and asked God for forgiveness. Although I said it to you privately, I now apologise to you in public because that is where I hurt you the most,” she said.

According to Wairimu, women talk and trust each other about the things that hurt them most, and her main mistake was trusting her friend too much.

“She heartlessly hurt me and many others without thinking of the damage she was causing to the parties involved,” she added in a heartfelt Facebook post.  Wairimu shared that she has a good record of people trusting her with many sensitive issues, but she has never shared them in public because that was not her nature.

“This whole situation was very unfortunate, and I deeply regret it,” she said.

In her apology to Bishop Muthee Kiengei, his wife, family and the entire JCM Church, Wairimu said she was sorry and her intention was never to destroy their reputation or image.

“I know I have caused a lot of pain to the bishop and members; I am taking full responsibility for my actions. I have asked God to forgive me and I’m asking the same from Dama, the Bishop and the JCM Church,” she said.

“I apologise to all my fans as well. I am in the potter’s hands. He will mold me into the person he wants me to be. May the Lord bless you all,” said the evangelist while quoting Isaiah 64:8.

According to the YouTuber, many people have accused her of deliberately recording her friend with the intention of causing her and the parties involved premeditated damage.

“Nothing could be further from the truth. My accusers have deliberately refused to empathise with a betrayed woman who in turn, appeared a betrayer. In order to prove my innocence, I am doing everything on my end to resolve the issue legally with my friend who got us into all this mess. I’m hoping that this will be able to fix things,” she said.

A US-based YouTuber defended a young preacher who was attacked for asking his mother to get him water during an online service, emphasizing her submission to his authority.

The YouTuber highlights the young preacher’s unwavering commitment to his calling and his mother’s unwavering support throughout his ministry.

Wairimu Kimani compares the act of the preacher’s mother getting him water to the service rendered by church members to pastors, reinforcing the normalcy of such acts in public speaking….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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