President William Ruto launched the Itume Digital Lab at Matuga Technical and Vocational College in Kwale County, aiming to enhance digital skills among Kenyan youths A Kenyan lady shared her experience of earning KSh 3,100 per week by filling online surveys, highlighting the potential of online work Ruto asked the youths how the government could help improve their online earnings and promised to build more ICT hubs, connect internet, and install computers....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Kenya’s President William Ruto launched the Jitume Digital Lab at Matuga Technical and Vocational College in Kwale county.

During the launch the president met with students who have been working online and sought information about their income.

He remarked that many were telling him that the online work he was talking about did not exist.

“Many people are saying that the work I am talking about does not exist,” said Ruto.

A Kenyan lady who has been working in filling online surveys for pay told the president that she earns KSh 3,100 every week.

“What I do is like a job because what I do are surveys where we have questions every day and for every question we answer there is some money that we earn. The questions vary depending on the day because there are political educational and work among other things.

In a week you can earn about KSh 3,100. For now, my account has about KSh 52. I have withdrawn and used my money,” she told Ruto.

After listening to the youths the president asked them what he can do to improve their earnings online.

He said that he had agreed with MPs to build more ICT hubs to take more than 150 people who will learn and make money online.

“After they build (ICT Hubs) we will connect internet and install computers. We already have 10,000 computers coming in September… So apart from extending these hubs to reach every ward what work would you like me to do so that this benefits more youths?” Ruto asked.

The youths requested the president to add more computers in at the ICT hub to ensure more youths in Kwale can access the services and work.

Ruto said that the government is looking to ensure over 3,000 youths in every word access ICT services and leave the space for others after they have learned and are able to purchase their own gadgets…CONTINUE READING>>

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