Moses Kuria has laid bare his sentiments towards former President Uhuru Kenyatta. Despite stating that he harbours no grudges, Kuria has revealed a pressing question he wishes to pose to Kenyatta regarding the tumultuous events at the Bomas of Kenya during the vote tallying of the August 2022 general elections.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Recalling the intensity of the situation, Kuria has expressed that the Bomas incident was the closest he had ever come to death, adding that Uhuru must explain himself regarding the chaos seen there.

“I have only one question I would like to ask when I meet him (Uhuru), something about Bomas of Kenya during vote tallying. This is due to how he allowed the country to descend into what could be catastrophic,” said as quoted by The Star on Wednesday.

The former Gatundu South MP emphasized his concern about how the country appeared to be on the brink of catastrophe during that period.

The former Gatundu South MP claimed that it is God that helped President William Ruto emerge victorious, suggesting that everything had been designed by Uhuru’s side to engineer his unfair defeat.

“The Bomas issue is the only thing that bothers me. The rest we can deal with and repair,” Kuria asserted.

He conveyed his hope for reconciliation by suggesting that if Kenyatta clarifies what transpired during that critical time, forgiveness and a forward-moving camaraderie can be established.

The backdrop of this dialogue is the August 2023 presidential elections, widely regarded as the country’s most peaceful and efficient.

However, the Bomas of Kenya, the nerve center for the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, became a hotbed of chaos.

The standoff among IEBC commissioners reached a climax, culminating in the declaration of William Ruto as the winner.

Tensions ran high, with Azimio allied MPs attempting to block the announcement, claiming electoral irregularities.

The auditorium witnessed pandemonium, chairs thrown, and punches nearly exchanged.

The police intervention eventually restored order, allowing the IEBC chairperson to declare Ruto the winner amidst a major split within the commission...CONTINUE READING>>

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