The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) bomb squad technicians have detonated two improvised explosives that had been dropped at the Kenya-Ethiopia border within Sessi in Moyale, Marsabit County.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The explosives, which were identified as grenades, were recovered after an unknown number of assailants riding on a motorcycle from Ethiopia tried to force their way into Kenya by attacking the border patrol officers who were manning the entry point.

Luckily, the grenades caused no damage or injuries as they were detected early and detonated by the military personnel who were around the area.

However, according to a report from Moyale Police Station, three officers and one civilian were injured during the attack and are nursing gunshot wounds, some on their hands, legs and stomach, at Moyale Sub-County Hospital.

The assailants escaped to Ethiopia, but a multi-agency police team is currently pursuing them...CONTINUE READING>>

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