Kawira Mwangaza broke her silence following the Senate’s decision to uphold her impeachment, noting that the lord will fight for her.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Instead of addressing the political turmoil or the allegations that led to her ouster, Mwangaza took to social media, sharing a message of faith and resilience deeply rooted in biblical references.

“Today, the Lord will fight for you and your household, he will give you permanent victory in every area of your life,” Mwangaza posted.

“A new beginning of victorious living is starting for you and you shall have great testimonies.” Mwangaza’s statement, while spiritual, also seemed to carry an undercurrent of defiance and hope.

As she spoke of doors of blessings and greatness being opened, and missed opportunities being restored, Mwangaza appeared to be positioning herself not as a defeated politician but as a resilient leader who believes in divine intervention in the face of adversity.

“Every door of blessings, greatness shut at you shall be open, every missed opportunity shall be restored,” she continued. The Senate, on Tuesday, found her guilty of gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, gross misconduct, and abuse of office.

Despite the political and legal battles ahead, her words suggest she sees a higher power at work in her life and in the lives of her supporters.

“Divine visit from heaven that will change all ugly situations in your life to beautiful in your life will manifest today,” Mwangaza concluded.

The Constitution provides an avenue for her to appeal the decision of the Senate and if the legal corridors find her rebuttal justifiable, it can reinstate her through a court order.

The decision to remove her from office was reached following a vote in the Senate, with Speaker Amason Kingi announcing the outcome.

“Pursuant to Article 181 of the Constitution, Section 33 of the County Government Act, and Standing Order 86 of the Senate Standing Orders, the Senate has resolved to remove from office by impeachment Hon. Kawira Mwangaza, the Governor of Meru County, and the governor accordingly ceases to hold office,” Speaker Kingi declared after the voting…CONTINUE READING>>

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