Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has called on President William Ruto to expedite the constitution of the new Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, complaining of the delay, which he termed unnecessary.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

He said in Nairobi yesterday the delay to constitute the IEBC has hampered the operations of the commission, an important body established by the law.

He wondered why this process was taking so long yet a Bill on the Amendment of the IEBC 2023, one of the important outcomes of the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO), was enacted into law.

“This is outrageous that we still lack the commission to implement the essential election improvements,” he said, noting that political goodwill is also lacking, and presence of institutional interference has kept Kenyans from having a fully operating IEBC.

“It’s worrying that a number of operations of the Commission have ground to a halt, especially now that we have numerous by elections, demarcation of boundaries and other vital electoral processes,” he said at the National Conference on the Roadmap to The Finalisation of The Electoral Reforms Ahead of the 2027 General Elections…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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