Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has softened his hardline stance on the broad-based government and his sharp criticism of Raila Odinga’s collaboration with President William Ruto.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Kalonzo now emphasizes his willingness to engage with Raila Odinga to strengthen the Azimio coalition and says he is determined to forge a powerful alliance to challenge for the presidency in 2027.

Once staunchly opposed to ODM’s cabinet nominations, Kalonzo’s position has evolved. Today, he signals a shift in stance.

“We must continue to engage with Raila Odinga as it is right now. He is the leader of Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition, and until the time we decide whether to release him to go to the AU,” said Musyoka.

Amid speculation about his next move and ongoing rifts within the Azimio coalition, Kalonzo is gearing up to challenge Ruto in the 2027 elections. He believes a new political alignment is crucial for mounting a successful campaign.

“When that time comes, we will have to look at that. The idea is to form a formidable coalition that will drive Kenya Kwanza home,” said Musyoka.

Speaking at the Oslo Center Africa Youth Forum, Kalonzo addressed Gen-Z-led anti-government protests, advocating for youth inclusion in national dialogue and calling for justice for victims of the protests.

The Africa Youth Forum highlighted that Kenya has become a model in the region for championing constitutional rights and democracy.

“The base and the foundation is in Kenya, and so it will remain here. The greatest resource is the young people,” said Chairman Oslo Center Finn Jarle.

Kalonzo indicated that an Azimio council meeting chaired by former President Uhuru Kenyatta is in the offing to sort out issues bedevilling the coalition…CONTINUE READING>>

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