The watermelon fruit has long been a symbol linked to Wiper Party leader Honorable Kalonzo Musyoka, implying that he is perceived as indecisive or easily influenced in his political stance, with critics suggesting that he lacks firm convictions.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

However, Kalonzo Musyoka, the Wiper Party leader, has proven his critics wrong by demonstrating his resolve and independence when he rejected the president’s invitation to join the government and form a coalition, unlike his former ally, Raila Odinga, who accepted a similar offer. This move has shown that Kalonzo will not be swayed by political opportunism.

In a statement, Kalonzo said joining the government was the highest form of betrayal to the suffering people of Kenya and the Gen-Z. Addressing the government, Kalonzo said that he was not going to be lured into deals that were going to make Kenyan lives even worse than they were.

A few hours ago, Kalonzo requested that the media in the country to report his message to Kenyans accurately. In his message, the Wiper Party leader assured Kenyans that he was going to stand firm even though he was going to remain alone.

On the same issue, Kalonzo added that he had decided to stand and die with Gen Z and the people of Kenya, who were now neglected and left to stand on their own.

With Kalonzo’s sentiments, are you convinced that he was a man after his words, or soon he would betray Kenyans as other politicians have done? Let us hear from you…CONTINUE READING>>

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