Suna East Member of Parliament (MP) Junet Mohamed, has been proposed by the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) as the new Minority leader of the National assembly whereas Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo, takes over as the Minority Whip.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The proposed changes were made on Wednesday during the party’s Central Management Committee following communication by the Speaker of the National Assembly Moses Wetangula.

The seat was declared vacant after the nomination of the Minority Leader Opiyo Wandanyi, as the Cabinet Secretary for Energy by president William Ruto on Wednesday last week.

“I thank my Party Leader the Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga and The ODM party, for trusting and proposing me to lead the Minority Coalition in the National Assembly at this pivotal moment. Our movement will triumph,” Junet said.

Speaking after being elected as the new Minority leader by ODM party, the Suna East law maker affirmed that he is ready and willing to move the party at a greater height with the new position.

The third time Suna East lawmaker, served as the Minority Whip in parliament and has ever since been a loyal member of the party under the leadership of the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

On the other hand, Millie Odhiambo popularly known as “Amillo Gesagesa” will now succeed Junet Mohamed as the Minority Whip at the National Assembly.

The tough and firm law maker from Suba North is also one of the strongest supporters and loyal members of the ODM party since she joined the movement.

Many Kenyans recognize her as a woman who doesn’t shy away from speaking the truth and expressing her opinion to the public.

TheSecretary General of ODM party Dr. Edwin Sifuna said on Wednesday during the announcement, that he will present the names of Junet and Millie to the Azimio Parliamentary group for approval.

“That in the wake of the vacancies occasioned by the nominations, the Party shall be embarking on wide consultations among its membership in order to fill those vacancies,” Sifuna said.

The changes follow the resignation of Ugunja MP from the party after his nomination as the Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Energy.

The lawmaker waswas elected as the Leader of the Minority Party in the 13th Parliament in September 2022...CONTINUE READING>>

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