I’m 28, married, and my husband emphasized the importance of fidelity before we wed. He warned me that if I ever cheated, I had to confess so we could perform rituals to prevent severe consequences, even death.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

I agreed to this because I had no intention of ever cheating on my husband. However, I fell into temptation, and it has left me in a situation where I don’t know if I will come out alive.

One day, I went to visit my parents for the weekend with my husband’s permission. During my visit, I ran into my ex, who had just returned from abroad. We started chatting and decided to go to a nearby restaurant for drinks. I love sweet wine, and I probably drank too much. After everything, we went to his house. One thing led to another, and we had sex. I was drunk, and I didn’t tell my husband about it. I hid it from him, fearing how he would feel and what might happen to our marriage.

A few months later, I got pregnant by my husband. When my due date approached, there were no signs of labor. My husband became worried and kept taking me to the hospital. The doctors checked everything and said the baby was fine, and that I might be one of those who give birth late. However, it’s been two to three months past my due date, and I still haven’t given birth.

I remembered what my husband told me about cheating and the consequences. Now, I’m scared. I don’t know what to do. I feel trapped, and I’m terrified that if I don’t confess, something terrible might happen to my husband or me.

I need advice. Should I confess to my husband about my infidelity and the encounter with my ex? How do I deal with this situation and my prolonged pregnancy? I don’t want to lose my marriage, but I’m also scared of the consequences if I don’t come clean. Please help me...CONTINUE READING>>

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