Nairobi Governor Jonhson Sakaja has lauded the unity call being spearheaded by President William Ruto, which has seen opposition members incorporated into the new Cabinet.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The Nairobi Governor who had earlier vowed to unite ODM leader Raila Odinga and President Ruto said it’s time for the country to come together to deliver development to its people.

“In politics, there are no permanent enemies, it is what is important at that moment. We need to deliver as a Government. If coming together helps us to do so why not?” he posed to the Star in an interview.

Sakaja was the first to reach out to Raila after the 2022 elections in an arrangement that saw him work together with the opposition in realizing his development agenda for Nairobi County.

Following the entry of Raila-led ODM into the government, a video of Sakaja vowing to work with all leaders emerged on social media.

In the video, Sakaja said he will not stop associating with Raila even as he vowed to ensure he brokers a partnership between Raila and Ruto.

Sakaja warned those against his move to work with Azimio saying the day Raila teams up with Ruto will occassion an embarrassment to them.

“I have no apologies for working with Raila Odinga and William Ruto. Infact, the day Raila will sit with Ruto, it will be me who will bring them together,” he said in the viral video recorded months ago.

“Nairobi is a county for everyone. It does not belong to any party or tribe; it is for all Nairobians. Our President must be given his respect and so is Raila. Those who want to make noise because Sakaja is working with Azimio should look for division elsewhere.”

Despite being from the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), Sakaja has successfully managed to work with a majority of Members of County Assembly (MCAs) from the Azimio coalition.

The County boss has often maintained that cooperation is essential for the smooth running of Nairobi’s affairs.

“We can’t work without Azimio in Nairobi. For me to pass a finance bill, I need them, and that’s why I work with them,” Sakaja explains.

Earlier this year, Sakaja faced criticism for meeting with ODM leaders.

His consistent stance on ending divisive politics and working together as political leaders earned credence after Raila Odinga’s allies were nominated by President Ruto into the cabinet…CONTINUE READING>>

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