Veteran comedian Eric Omondi has criticised the current administration led by President William Ruto for failing to tackle Kenyans’ needs.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Eric, who appeared on Citizen TV, gave the president a scorecard of two out of 10, saying that his priorities were upside down. He also faulted the government for prioritising affordable housing, yet most people were starving.

“The government has not performed. They have not kept any promises that they made, actually all of them. The president said that the moment he puts down the Bible, the cost of living will go down.

Taxis are on strike, doctors are on strike, teachers are on strike, students are on strike, airport workers are on strike,” he said. Eric added that the nation was depressed, with many sleeping hungry and getting locked out of their homes by landlords.

He questioned why the president has embarked on his many trips, which saw him declare a three-day mourning period in honour of pupils who died in the Hillside Endarasha Academy fire while away.

“This is just a sign that nothing is working in the country, and that alone shows that the president has not delivered. Two years down the line, it is only getting worse, and I don’t believe it will get any better. I keep saying there is no single Kenyan who is homeless. We do not need affordable housing.

People need food on the table. Nobody eats digital literacy, there are basic needs that come first. Our priorities are upside down,” he added….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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