Whether or whether not Christians should participate in alcoholic beverages is a fiercely contested subject. The land of Canaan was blessed by both milk and honey and wine, according to the Bible. This is why Jesus performed his first miracle in Canaan, changing water into wine. According to Psalms 104:14-15, the wine was a blessing, but drunkenness was seen as foolish.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Jesus approved of either total abstention or moderate intake of alcohol. Matthew 11:16-19 explains that when the Son of Man appeared eating and drinking, people concluded he was a drunkard and a sinner, but when John the Baptist appeared without eating or drinking, they assumed he was possessed by demons.

The Apostle Paul strongly discouraged his readers against drinking wine on multiple occasions. He emphasized that deacons shouldn’t drink and that the church in Corinth shouldn’t mix with drunk people either. He went on to say that an alcoholic was also not acceptable in an elderly candidate. In addition, he stressed the need of doing everything for the glory of God, from the food eaten to the activities undertaken.

Keep in mind that moderation is the key to sobriety, and don’t fall into the trap of binge drinking, which can lead to addiction..CONTINUE READING>>

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