A Nigerian medical doctor, DS Omeize, has made a fresh claim about the power of prayers as it relates to fathers and mothers.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Omeize claimed that a father’s prayers are more powerful than a mother’s prayers because the spiritual realm ‘’recognises men before women.”

“In the Spiritual scheme of things, Father’s prayers are more powerful, authoritative and recognise than Mother’s prayers. It’s the lies we agreed to tell ourselves over the years that made women believe they are the reason for men’s success – It’s all fallacy, an orchestrated stories to make them feel good,” he wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday.

“You can count from Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David whose prayers for their kids were outstanding and you can hardly get one recorded Mother’s prayers. Prayers are good irrespective of where it comes from but, in ranking; Father’s take first and second seat.

“When it’s all dawn to reality, the Spiritual realm recognise men before women. This is the truth, I didn’t made it so, you didn’t made it so and there is nothing any of us can do about it. It is what it is…CONTINUE READING>>

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