At least 13 people were killed during mass protests in Nigeria against the country’s economic crisis, a human rights organization said on Friday.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Authorities confirmed the death of four protesters in a bomb explosion and the arrest of hundreds of others. Security forces fired shots and tear gas on Thursday to suppress mass protests across the country.

Thousands of people, mostly young, took to the streets to protest against the worst inflation the country has seen in a generation.

The crowd demanded an end to the economic crisis that has made the population of Africa’s largest oil producer one of the poorest in the world.

These gatherings, dubbed “days of anger,” called for an end to chronic corruption and poor governance. The protests became uncontrollable in some regions of the country, particularly in the northern states of Yobe and Kano, where authorities imposed a 24-hour curfew...CONTINUE READING>>

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