A woman named Evelyn is a single mother of two, and she is also pregnant after an unknown man took advantage of her at the beginning of this year.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Evelyn was married and was blessed with two kids, but her husband was always violent. He would brutally beat her, and she ended her marriage after he tried to kill her.

She claims that she met the unknown man in a club. They became friends and booked a room, but she can’t really remember what happened. When she woke up, the man had already taken advantage of her and run away. She is now pregnant. She says that immediately after she gives birth, she will give out her baby to whoever wants it because taking care of the two children is already a struggle.

Evelyn says that she is a strong woman, but depression has sunk in so deeply that she finds herself beating up her children. It is not the first time she has thought of ending their lives. She admits that she needs help because depression has taken over her mind.

She says that she will give out her baby to whoever wants it once she gives birth because she does not have any means to take care of the baby, and she doesn’t want him or her to struggle like the others are struggling.

Evelyn says that her two children have been sent home because of school fees, and she is now pleading with well-wishers to help her pay school fees for her two kids…CONTINUE READING>>

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