David Zakayo Kalukhana, a 63-year-old man from Kenya, has opened up about why he married eight wives and has seven mistresses.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Mr Kalukhana, who has 107 children with his multiple wives and concubines, married his first wife in 1987 but felt that he needed more wives.

He said he took many wives because he is a genius and believes he is too smart to be managed by one woman.

“A head like mine cannot be managed by one woman. It is like a big sack of maize which has to be divided into smaller parts for ease of movement. I need many wives so that they can manage the amount of brains and ideas in my head. I am too smart for one wife,” Mr. Kalukhana told the Sunday Nation.

On how he provides for his large family, Mr. Kalukhana said he owns a half-acre of land where he grows maize and sugarcane to feed his family. He also does menial jobs, including landscaping activities.

Every month, he buys five bags of maize, which he distributes to his wives to make sure the children do not sleep hungry.

“When I’m not farming, I go out to do menial work, including constructing stone fences around people’s homes. The work is well-paying and it has helped me make some money to keep my family going. They will never sleep hungry as long as I’m alive,” said Mr Kalukhana.

Speaking further, the polygamist said he can marry more young wives if he chooses to.

“When I married my first wife Jesca Asembo in 1987, I felt like she was not up to the task. I have added more but I still have the urge to add more.

“All my children of school going age attend school. I toil daily to raise money to ensure they are in school to get an education for their future.

“I don’t believe in religion. I live my life through my own intervention because I am a genius,” he said

The wives, who are from different age groups, do everything together including cooking, eating and share household chores.

One of his wives, Asembo said she has never felt jealous of her fellow wives.

“I love my husband and that is all that matters. Even if he brings in additional wives, I will not be bothered because I understand him. He is a responsible man and whatever he does is always right because he takes his time to decide on what to do,” said Ms Asembo…CONTINUE READING>>

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