Agriculture and Livestock Development Cabinet Secretary nominee Andrew Karanja has vowed to crush cartels at the Ministry and drive them out of business if MPs approve his appointment.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Dr Karanja told the National Assembly Appointments committee Friday that if approved, cartels will have no place at the ministry during his tenure.

“I know dealing with cartels is a big issue. I’m giving a notice to cartels, they will be out of business. I will not be compromised because my integrity has not been questioned in all my service,” Dr Karanja said.

Dr Karanja told the vetting panel that if approved, he will have farmers’ interests and the country’s interest at heart when dealing with the cartels.

“I will be hands-on by ensuring that farmers get quality fertilisers at the right time,” Dr Karanja said.

He pointed out that cartels thrive where there is no transparency, hence he will champion for opennes in the procurement of fertiliser.

Among the programmes he said he will put in place to drive out cartels is the introduction of a voucher system where farmers can procure fertiliser at any dealer and not necessarily jam the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) for the commodity.

Pokot South MP David Pkosing also put to task over what he will do revive various agricultural value addition areas such as pyrethrum, maize, coffee, milk and tea which he said are “completely dead”.

“Agriculture which is the backbone of this country is dead…I would like to know what you are going to do especially on value addition to this sector so as to motivate farmers,” posed Mr Pkosing.

Dr Karanja said with correct and quality food inputs given to farmers, the country can produce more food. “Agriculture is about technology. Without it, you will be doing very little...CONTINUE READING>>

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