Diabetes has been a prominent health concern in India for years. According to a report by the Indian Council of Medical Research, 101 million Indians are living with diabetes and another 136 million people are in pre-diabetes stages . What’s even more concerning is how diabetes can affect overall health.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

It can lead to heart-attack, heart failure, and even untimely death because of heart disease. An often underestimated threat of diabetes is its impact on the kidneys. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease, affecting approximately one in three adults with diabetes.

How high blood sugar affects kidney​

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in diabetes, is a serious and potentially life-threatening complication of diabetes. High blood sugar levels over time can impact kidney function.

Many people with diabetes also develop high blood pressure, which can strain the delicate blood vessels within the kidneys, causing further damage. Further, high lipid levels are frequently observed in people with diabetes, which also contribute to kidney damage.

Symptoms to know​

CKD in diabetes often starts silently, with no noticeable symptoms in the early stages. However, as the disease advances, individuals may experience symptoms such as swelling in the legs and breathlessness, bone disease, electrolyte disorders like metabolic acidosis, and/or uncontrolled blood pressure.

Many people don’t recognize that they have CKD, until it is advanced, leads to significant heart-diseases, or requires maintenance-dialysis (a treatment that filters the blood) or a kidney transplant to survive.

There are several treatment and management strategies available to slow the progression of CKD, prevent complications including untimely death, and improve the overall quality of life. Making the right lifestyle choices in terms of diet and exercise is key in managing CKD. Here are some lifestyle changes to consider:


Balance your diet to control blood sugar levels. Reduce high-sodium and high-potassium foods to manage blood pressure and kidney function. Limit protein intake, especially in advanced cases, to ease kidney strain. Please note that these dietary changes need to be made only in accordiance with the guidance from your healthcare provider.


Manage hypertension​

Diabetes causes the walls of the blood vessels to stiffen, which leads to high blood pressure. This causes the blood vessels to become less efficient at filtering blood, and not able to deliver oxygen and nutrients to kidney tissue.

It is essential to take the blood-pressure medicines regularly, as recommended by the healthcare provider. Monitor blood pressure at home and during check-ups for optimum holistic care in diabetes.

Manage lipid levels​

Diabetes often results in deranged lipid profile, including high levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as low levels of good cholesterol. The deranged lipid profile in diabetes poses well known risk for vascular disease in heart, brain, kidneys, as well as gangrene of lower limbs. Managing the blood lipid levels, along with the glucose and blood-pressure levels, is an essential aspect of holistic care for CKD in diabetes.

Weight management​

Maintain a healthy weight to prevent CKD progression. Weight loss may be recommended with diet control as well as physical activity. The regimen for optimum physical activity needs to be tailored for every individual patient.

Hence, it is important to follow the guidance of your healthcare provider, for optimizing your physical-activity routine.

Tobacco consumption and smoking​

Smoking as well as any form of tobacco consumption are known to damage the blood vessels, and pose major risks to the heart and vascular system, including kidney disease. Cessation of smoking and tobacco consumption is essential to reduce the major risk of diseases and complications.

CKD in diabetes requires comprehensive management​

Lifestyle changes play a significant role in slowing its progression. Medications to manage blood sugar, blood pressure, and lipid profile, are essential components of the treatment. Additionally, medicines to delay kidney-disease progression, are an essential component of treatment regimen.

Dialysis or kidney transplantation can be life-sustaining interventions in advanced cases. If you have diabetes, it is imperative to work closely with your doctor to monitor and manage your kidney health.

Diabetes greatly affects overall well-being, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and renal diseases. Let’s commit to vigilant management of diabetes and kidney health….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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