The grumpy old man is a stereotype that has some truth in it—plenty of old men (and women) are bad-tempered, difficult to deal with, and lonely as a result. But you don’t have to end up that way. If you’re guilty of any of the following things, it’s time to make a change and put those behaviors behind you.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
1. Stop focusing on the negative.
It’s healthy and necessary to examine, analyze, and resolve issues within yourself and your family as they arise, but constantly going on about them—while doing nothing to fix those situations—does a curmudgeon make. Change what you can, when you can, and try to focus on positivity for personal growth.
2. Stop living a sedentary life.
Your body needs to be moved and stretched on a regular basis in order for it to remain limber. If, for whatever reason, you allow your body to “set” into a static position for too long, pain and immobility will follow, along with irritability. In short, movement is life, so make sure you stay active.
3. Stop avoiding new things and experiences.
Do you have a set schedule in which you always eat the same breakfast, watch the same TV shows, and so on? Mix that up by stepping out of your routines and trying new things. Start small, by trying new and interesting foods or music genres, and explore outwards from there.
4. Stop making less-than-ideal dietary choices.
If you want to be at optimal health, performance, and appearance when you get old, then start now by ensuring that you’re building yourself with health and vitality on a cellular level. Eat the highest-quality food you can afford, with plenty of nutrient density, and reduce your intake of unhealthy or inflammatory items.
5. Stop being afraid of new technology.
How annoyed do you get when your parents (or grandparents) print out emails for you to read, or call you to make the BlueTooth work for the YouTube? Aim to keep up with new (or not so new) technologies and you’ll feel less frustration working with them in the future.
6. Stop neglecting your goals and dreams and then complaining about it later.
We all know at least one older person who complains at length about all the things they dreamt of doing when they were younger, but couldn’t, and the regrets that go with unrealized dreams. Make your goals and wishes a priority, or create more attainable goals that you can pursue instead.
7. Stop insisting that others do things your way because that’s the “right” way.
Just because someone else does something differently than you doesn’t mean they’re doing it “wrong”. In fact, you may learn new, more efficient techniques than the ones you were taught if you open yourself up to that possibility instead of clinging to the “your way or the highway” mentality.
8. Stop resisting change.
You might feel that various things were better when you were young—entertainment, community, and so on—and as such, you may feel resistance to modern changes. If you can learn to accept or even embrace them, you may discover that some things are far better now than they used to be.
9. Stop feeling resentment/bad feelings toward the youth.
The next generations are going to do things differently, dress differently, and so on. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re out to cause you harm, or that they’re lowlifes who don’t have values or decency. You may be pleasantly surprised to discover just how great (and fiercely hardworking) young people can be.
10. Stop generalizing people and things.
Many older people who have a bad experience with a person of a particular culture will end up generalizing and assuming that everyone who shares that culture is inclined the same way. Don’t do this. If you’ve met one person, you’ve met that one person—they don’t reflect their entire ethnicity. The same goes for generalizing experiences based on one bad situation.
11. Stop being critical of others.
Nobody is ever in a position to judge another for their life choices, personal preferences, or actions that don’t hurt others. If someone else’s choices or behaviors don’t affect you personally, then mind your business and let them live life on their own terms, the same way that you like to do.
12. Stop isolating yourself.
Many old people get grumpy because they’re isolated and lonely. Avoid this potentiality by getting involved with your community and establishing roots now. This way, by the time you get old, you’ll have friends and supportive neighbors to enjoy life with…CONTINUE READING>>