Four hours of work a day, that was the limit. “His signature became shakier, he could focus less and less and for shorter periods,” wrote Joseph Lelyveld about the last sixteen months of an aging man in the White House. No, not about Joseph Biden, but about World War II President Franklin D. Roosevelt.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

A month before the Allied invasion on the French coast, Roosevelt could only work four hours a day. It is difficult to realize that one is unfit to rule, work or drive anymore, the latter being something we experience daily on the roads.

The Democratic Convention is trying to find a quick solution to Biden finally stepping down from the race, but it comes with a whole lot of other potential issues.

It happens that the Democratic Convention is being held in Chicago — just like in 1968, when then-President Lyndon B. Johnson unexpectedly announced in March that he would not run for re-election.

His fiercest rival, Robert F. Kennedy, who had been challenging Johnson for months, was assassinated in June of the same year, two months after Martin Luther King, the...CONTINUE READING>>

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