Pastor Peter shares a candid account of his mission gone awry when he ventured into a Guest House with the intent to spread the gospel, only to find himself Tempted....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Pastor Peter’s fervent desire to share the Good News led him on a path of unconventional preaching, from clubs to marketplaces and even buses, traversing cities and countries. However, his journey took an unexpected turn when he felt compelled to minister to women working in a Guest House, aiming to lead them to Christ and enlighten them about the sanctity of their bodies.

Entering the brothel with Bible in hand, Peter’s resolve wavered when confronted with the stark reality of the environment. Overwhelmed by temptation, he succumbed to the advances of a woman, leading him down a path of moral compromise. What began as a noble mission ended in personal failure, as Peter found himself entangled in a cycle of sin.

Reflecting on his experiences, Peter emphasizes the importance of prayer and vigilance, cautioning others to remain steadfast in their faith and wary of the dangers lurking in seemingly innocent places…CONTINUE READING>>

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