As a teenager, I was on the verge of starting school, but my parents couldn’t afford it. Luckily, my aunt offered to take me in and support my education in the city, which was a dream come true. I moved in with her and her six children, who were a mix of older and younger than me.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In my auntie’s house, I was essentially a house help. I wasn’t allowed to eat the same food as the children. If I even tried to eat a piece that fell on the table, I would get the beating of my life. But I didn’t care because I was no longer in the village and was looking forward to getting into secondary school. However, when the time came to go to school, my auntie gave one excuse after another, and I never got into secondary school.

I had only two dresses and one pair of underwear. I used to stay home and wash my clothes, drying them overnight so I could wear them the next morning. This meant I often had to sleep without any clothes. Despite all these hardships, I was still happy to be living in the city with my auntie.

Her children didn’t like what my auntie was doing to me, but it wasn’t because of them that I decided to tell this story. It’s because of a terrible incident that happened during my stay. One night, after washing my dress and hanging it to dry, I went to bed as usual without any clothes. In the middle of the night, I felt someone touching me, but I was in a deep sleep. When I woke up, I saw the driver and screamed. He quickly took off, but I saw him clearly.

My scream attracted the attention of my auntie, who came to the room where I was supposed to be sleeping. She saw me, holding myself in fear, shivering and shaking. When I told her that the driver had come in and raped me, do you know what she said? She said, “Is that why you are screaming? I thought thieves came in here and probably did something. Why are you screaming? Go to bed.”

I couldn’t believe it. I was holding myself together and shivering until morning. The driver was not apprehended or even told off. This incident destroyed my spirit. I felt like I was nothing. So when I saw your program, I decided to send you this story to help me heal from that wound because it has been eating me up.

I think my aunt and her driver conspired against me. She didn’t help or react when I was being assaulted, which makes me suspect that she was complicit in the abuse. I believe they were both involved in the plan...CONTINUE READING>>

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