Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has clarified his controversial comments about viewing the government as a shareholder company, claims Kenyans misunderstood him.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking on Sunday night, Gachagua explained that his analogy of the government as a shareholder company meant that those who supported President Ruto’s manifesto should be the primary ones implementing it.

In an exclusive interview with local media stations from the Mt Kenya region at his official residence in Karen, the DP emphasized that his agenda has always been to unite Kenya and ensure that everyone receives government services.

“I had said from the onset that Kenya is one. My shareholding comments were misunderstood. I meant that those who believed in President Ruto’s manifesto were supposed to be the majority in implementing it. He said

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has faced sharp criticism recently for his remarks comparing the government to a company where everyone holds shares and should receive services according to their shares.

Gachagua stated that those who voted for the leader who formed the government should benefit more than those who supported opponents, as they invested in the government. He added that, in terms of development, the people who voted for the sitting President should receive more benefits compared to those who did not.

Gachagua’s comments faced opposition from several leaders, including President William Ruto, who publicly criticized him. Ruto stated that it was primitive and backward for any leader to believe that regions should receive development based on how they voted...CONTINUE READING>>

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