Three years ago, during the Christmas season, many people returned to our village, including men who came back from cities. This is a time when many villagers, especially young women, often get married, as it’s a popular period for weddings during holidays like Christmas, Easter, and other cultural celebrations.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

I went to a festival in my village and met this young, handsome guy with a luxury car. The guy called me, and we exchanged greetings and phone numbers. Then he called me and said he wanted to see me. We had an appointment, went to a restaurant, and had food. He then said he wanted to meet my parents because he liked me and wanted to make me his wife.

I said that was OK because I liked him; he had money, and he was handsome. When he came to our house, my dad and mom fell in love with him. After the first day, they agreed with my dad on when he would come for the list of marriage goods. Later on, when he was supposed to come, he called me and said he had to rush back to the city where he lived. He mentioned that his parents would handle all the wedding preparations and that I would join him later.

Long story short, three months after the traditional marriage, he wasn’t present. He said he was traveling and couldn’t come, but in my place, someone can represent the groom. So, someone represented him, and everything was done lavishly.

It got to a point where I had to move and join my husband. First, they took me to his village house. His parents were very nice, and so were my mother-in-law and father-in-law. However, I started worrying because he stopped calling. When I asked my in-laws when my husband would return, they kept reassuring me.

One night, my mother-in-law, father-in-law, and sister-in-law called me into the living room. They showed me a picture and said, “Your husband has shown you this picture before, right?” I replied that he had, and that he said it was his older brother who had died. They then revealed that the older brother in the picture was actually my husband.

I was shocked and confused. They explained that my husband had died, and the only way to appease his spirit was to marry him to a beautiful wife. They said arrangements had already been made, and that the house and a lot of things now belonged to me.

I discovered that my parents had secretly accepted a payment from a suitor’s family to arrange my marriage without my knowledge or consent. When I confronted them, they confessed and tried to downplay it, promising that I could choose my own partner later and emphasizing the significant amount of money involved...CONTINUE READING>>

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