In a video shared by a popular media personality, a woman named Mercy shared her life journey and the challenges she has been through. She said that she was raised well and she went to college and studied secretarial.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

After college, she met a guy who married her but after a while she began facing some challenges, for that is when she realized that her husband was a drunkard. She sired her firstborn child who couldn’t speak well at the age of 3 years and her second born could not walk until she was 2 years. A friend of her husband took her to a pastor who prayed for her children, and her firstborn started speaking Little By Little, and the second born could walk.

She gave birth to her third born during the seventh month of the pregnancy, and after a while, the child started having health problems and had to be admitted to the hospital. Her husband would just get drunk and neither did he take care of the children at home.

Her second-born child, who is a girl, didn’t have her period, and she was taken to the hospital and confirmed that her uterus is just hanging and cannot pass the period to the vaginal opening. The girl survived the situation through taking medicines that would stop her period from coming out. She was later taken to the hospital, and an operation was done to connect the uterus with the vaginal opening. The girl went to the operation room for 5 times until she was declared to be fine.

After attending a cancer awareness meeting, she found a tumor in her breast and went to the hospital and got it removed. After some time, she started having pain in the same place she was operated on, and after going to the hospital, a tumor was discovered and was removed. While going to the hospital, she urged her husband to walk with her, but her husband told her that he cannot go with a walking corpse.

Mercy said that it reached a time when her husband would not give her anything, and she regretted marrying her husband, saying that she would question God of why she allowed her to marry the man. She tried committing suicide and also killing her children so that they can all die together. Luckily enough, her husband came home early that day and she missed the chance to kill them.

After a while, her friend Introduced her to a church and she is now a born again Christian. NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH IN LIFE, ALWAYS PUT GOD FIRST, AND HAVE BELIEVE …CONTINUE READING>>

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