My father, Mutuku and my mother, Wanjiku, were known for their unbreakable bond. Their love was the kind that inspired songs and stories, a beacon of hope for all who knew them.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

But as the sun set on a fateful evening of September last year, a dark shadow crept into their home. Mutuku, once a gentle soul, had changed. His eyes, once filled with warmth, now burned with an unsettling fire.

He had become distant, his actions unpredictable. Wanjiku, my mother ever the loving wife, tried to reach him, but it was as if a wall had been erected between them.

One night, the air thick with tension, My father took a knife from the kitchen. His movements were deliberate, his face a mask of determination.

My mother sensing the danger, tried to flee, but My father caught her, forcing her between his legs. The scene was surreal, a nightmare unfolding in the dim light of their home...CONTINUE READING>>

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