A man identified as Simon narrated how he got into a blood covenant with his wife while dating, a decision he regrets to date. His wife cheats on him with other men, and he cannot leave her due to the covenant.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

He was born and raised in a certain area. After completing his studies, he moved to another location where he secured a job. After working for 2 years, a lady approached him, and according to him, he had never dated before.

They became good friends, and after some time, they decided to get married. But before the marriage, he one day visited the lady’s house where she asked him to get into a blood covenant before they could tie the knot.

According to him, they both cut their arms and made the covenant of not divorcing until death would do them part. They later went through the marriage process, but according to him, the pastors were against him marrying the lady.

His friends had also warned him against marrying the lady, claiming that she is always seen in clubs drinking beer with other men. Simon loved the lady and was not ready to leave her.

After the marriage, he started noticing weird behaviors from her, such that she could hug men in front of him and claim that they are her cousins or uncles. The neighbors would tell him that his wife takes men into their house when he was away.

One day he asked her to sign divorce papers due to her cheating habits, but she told him that because of the blood covenant, he will never get into a relationship that will lead to a marriage if he divorces her.

According to him, he has been in several relationships, but the ladies leave him for no good reason. He has visited different churches for deliverance, but nothing has changed. He regrets getting into a blood covenant with the lady and urges young people to think about the consequences before doing something to please a spouse or a friend…CONTINUE READING>>

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