Most of you will call me wicked for making such a prayer or even thinking about it, but it won’t change the fact that I pray this prayer every midnight. You will ask, won’t the poverty affect me and my kids? Well, I have a running business that fetches me enough money to secure myself, and I have no child.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

When he was talking about marriage with me, I told him not until he got a job and became stable. I helped him with the submission of his CV, and after some time, he got a good job that pays him 320,000 naira monthly. We started planning for our wedding six months before we got married. All of a sudden, his ex started disturbing him with calls and text messages. At first, he didn’t tell me, but I noticed it and asked him about the lady always calling him. He said she was his ex and that they had nothing together. She was even married with a child. I had to remove my mind from it because she was married.

When we got married and started living together, his ex would always call him three times a day, even at midnight, and my husband would answer her calls no matter his position at the moment or his schedule. I expressed my concern about the frequent calls. He told me there was nothing to worry about, that the lady had just lost her husband and was in need of a friend. I questioned this because it wasn’t what he said before. Didn’t she have other people to talk to? I asked him.

One day, I saw his transaction history and noticed that my husband had been sending his ex-girlfriend 100,000 naira every month. I questioned him, and he said he was helping her train her son. He claimed he was just helping her as a human and that the child was almost an orphan. On my birthday, we were having a romantic evening and about to make love when his ex-girlfriend called. My husband immediately stopped touching me, picked up the call, and from what I heard, the lady was crying. My husband left me to go be with his ex.

I was bitter that day and thought of a solution for myself. I prayed for my husband to become poor and lose his job so he could realize his exes were after his money. Most of you will call me wicked for making such a prayer or even thinking about it, but that’s my truth…CONTINUE READING>>

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