I was married to a man who used ritual powers to become rich, but I didn’t know he was using those powers. I was attracted to him because he had money and did everything I wanted him to do.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Growing up in a village, I had never seen such a flashy lifestyle, so I was excited and convinced it was real. We got into a relationship, and he immediately asked for my hand in marriage. He even came to pay my bride price.

He always gave me an allowance of 5 million before we got married. I visited his house in the city and saw many nice things there. That’s when I fell pregnant, and he even doubled my allowance. We got married, and our wedding was beautiful and widely covered because he was a very popular celebrity.

I never suspected that he was using black magic, but at our wedding, cattle were slaughtered. The elaborate ceremonies seemed excessive to me, but I didn’t think much of it. Little did I know, that was part of the ritual sacrifice to his snake.

I moved to the city to stay with him permanently. He gave me a car and increased my allowance from 5 million to 8 million, so I wasn’t working and was just chilling, doing nothing. After the wedding, I saw his massive snake for the first time. I fainted and woke up in the hospital.

Upon being discharged from the hospital, he told me he used dark powers from his snake. Every Sunday, he pretended to be a churchgoer. I asked him what the snake needed, and he said our male children would be sacrificed, meaning we couldn’t have boys.

I got pregnant and gave birth to a stillborn boy, but the snake took him. When my baby was buried, I wasn’t allowed to attend the funeral. He told me the ritual didn’t allow me to attend, so to this day, I don’t know where my baby was buried.

He claimed to have gotten his dark powers from India. Eventually, he started asking me to sleep with the snake. I’m going to explain how the snake slept with me…CONTINUE READING>>

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