“I could not sleep full enough whenever I retired to bed to take a rest. My life was full of horror to an extend that I had opted to abandon the house had constructed using my own money to go and rent in Nairobi.”....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

I remember 2023 like yesterday when my peace was taken away from me after a long tussle with my relatives.

My dad died in 2021 and since then we have been fighting with my relatives who were against my inheritance. They accused me of inheriting a land which I ought not to a jealous move that made one of my uncles who had an ill motive tell me “Utaona, hutawai kaa kwa hiyo uwanja na amani”. Which translates to “You will never find peace in that land your father left for you.”

Since then, trouble brewed, I recall it did not lapse two month and as of august I started hearing strange voices in the roof of my house I had built in the same land.

Peace got lost and whenever I entered my house, what I felt was too much fatigue and unendless headaches..CONTINUE READING>>

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