Mary has narrated that she has never been in a romantic relationship ever since she matured until now. She conceived three of her kids with three different men after meeting for the first time.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to her, she was born and raised in a family of seven kids. Her family was not well off. After class eight, she didn’t enroll in high school due to lack of fees. She decided to seek employment at such a tender age.

Mary stated that poverty made her work as a sexual worker. She quit after realizing she was risking her life. She has tried to sell illicit brews, and while there, she conceived two of her kids, but the men responsible didn’t accept it.

She tried working as a casual laborer in the farms and also worked in tea plantations to provide for her kids. While there, she conceived another kid, and history repeated itself as the man didn’t accept responsibility despite promising to marry her.

She then decided to search for a job abroad. She has worked there for several years, supporting her kids, her mom, and other siblings. She stated that no man has ever proposed to her, but she believes one day she will find her soulmate…CONTINUE READING>>

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