Please hear my story without judging me. My life has taken a shocking turn that many may find hard to believe. I have three children with my brother, and I want to explain how this happened. My brother and I grew up in a remote village, cut off from the outside world, with only our family and the farm that my parents worked on. We went to the local school, which was a long walk from our isolated home in the forest.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

One day, after a particularly bountiful rice harvest, our parents went into town to sell the rice. That was the last time we saw them. The village buzzed with rumors that they had been in an accident, but we never confirmed what truly happened. With our parents gone, my brother and I were left alone. I was 18, and he was 15. We stopped going to school and focused on surviving, using the little money we had saved from selling rice.

Two years after our parents disappeared, we decided to leave the village. We didn’t know where we were going; we just knew we had to leave. We eventually found a place that seemed more populated and took a bus to an unknown destination. We settled in a new community where no one knew us.

Living alone with my brother, I felt a deep need to keep our family together. We had no other relatives, no one to turn to, and no guidance. In my desperation to hold onto the only family I had left, I made the unthinkable decision to start a life with my brother. I became pregnant and gave birth to our first child, followed by two more. The community assumed he was my boyfriend and then my husband. No one suspected the truth.

Our three sons don’t know that their parents are siblings. We have managed to build a life, earn some money, and live relatively comfortably. However, social media and public discussions have made me realize that what we did is considered wrong by society’s standards. Despite this, I don’t regret my decision. My priority was to keep my family together and provide a stable environment for my children.

I just want to share my story, not to be judged or advised, but to raise awareness that situations like mine are real. Life can take us down paths that others might not comprehend, but our decisions come from a desire to survive and love...CONTINUE READING>>

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