This happened to me at Onicha, in Nigeria. I started going to Maiduguri to supply goods, staying for a few days each time before coming back. One particular day, on my way to supply goods in Maiduguri, we had to stop at Damaturu in Yobe State. It was late, and due to the insecurity in Maiduguri at that time, we couldn’t enter the city at night. We parked, and everyone, both passengers and soldiers on the bus, got down to relax. One of the soldiers even called me over to join them. You know how men just gather, talking and relaxing.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

After a while, I decided to go back to the bus. At this point, the bus had only one or two people inside because most had come down for the night. As I was getting back on the bus, I bumped into a slim, beautiful fair lady. We both apologized and went inside. Later on, some of the soldiers returned to the bus and saw the girl and me not sitting too far from each other. They started joking, saying, “Ah ah, sharp guy!” One of the soldiers, Captain Lawrence, jokingly called the girl to sit beside me, saying they saw us together. This simple joke broke the ice and made it easy for the lady and me to start connecting.

We began chatting. I asked her what she was going to do in Maiduguri, if she lived there, and other casual questions. She mentioned that her whole family used to live in Maiduguri but moved to the east due to the crisis. Now, she only goes there for school. We exchanged numbers, and around 5:30 to 6 a.m., the bus continued its journey to Maiduguri. When we reached the post stop, everyone went their separate ways.

Later that evening, the lady called me, asking where I was. She said she was alone and had just returned from school. She invited me to check on her at her lodge.

I dressed up and took a keke (tricycle) to her place. She came out to pick me, and we went to her room. She showed me some pictures, and we played ludo. After a while, she started making moves. I hesitated, telling her to stop, but she persisted, asking if I had ever done anything like this before. Eventually, we ended up together. Afterward, she walked me to get a keke, and that was it.

We continued talking after that, but I noticed her communication changed. She would ask me not to call her by her name, claiming she didn’t know me. At first, I thought it was a joke, but she insisted, denying ever meeting me. This hurt my pride. She referred to our encounter as if it had never happened. A day or two later, I woke up to find that my chat history with her was gone. Her number was missing, and there was no trace of our interaction on my phone. I hadn’t deleted anything, and it felt surreal. I started thinking about metaphysical or spiritual explanations...CONTINUE READING>>

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