A woman by the name of Lilian has narrated how she got married to her husband without knowing he was a devil worshiper.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Lilian says that when she got married, they were living in slums, but after two years, they had moved to a luxurious house. This happened after he sacrificed their second-born baby.

She claims that when she was eight months pregnant, she experienced a sharp pain in her stomach, and that’s how her baby came out of her belly, hit the floor, and died. She fell unconscious, and by the time she woke up, her husband told her that the baby was already buried.

After a while, she got pregnant again and gave birth to a healthy baby. Within a few months, the baby started getting sick, and her husband warned her not to take the baby to the hospital. This made her suspicious that her husband was planning something bad.

Lilian claims that she decided to run away from her husband’s house, but since then, he has been calling her, saying that he will sacrifice them and that she will never succeed in life if she stays with her kids.

She says that she fears for her life and that of her children because she has also been involved in an accident, and her husband called her to ask whether she didn’t die, something that is making her live in fear…CONTINUE READING>>

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