Carol has narrated what she went through at the hands of a man named Odhiabo, who took her to a witch doctor after she refused to have a relationship with him.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to reports given by Carol, this man was her neighbor, and she used to work in a certain big hotel in Nairobi.

She claims that Odhiabo approached her and told her that even if she is from a different ethnic group, he can love her and take care of her, but Carol was not interested. She turned down his proposal, and that’s when he got angry.

Carol says that on this particular day, she had a knock on her door, and when she opened it, Odhiabo entered with force and used a handkerchief on her nose, and she lost consciousness.

The next thing she knew, she woke up in a witch doctor’s house, and Odhiabo had her school certificate in his hands. Some rituals were done to her, and she later found herself back in her house. Odhiabo had moved from their plot, and up to date, she had never seen him again.

She claims that when she woke up and went to work, she got very sick. But when she would come back home, she was okay. So she decided to stop going to work, and that’s when things got worse. She developed mental illness.

Carol says that her family has been the ones taking care of her, and she will always be grateful to them. She has requested a true pastor to do deliverance for her because her dreams were shattered, and she wants her star back…CONTINUE READING>>

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