I’m in love with my father-in-law because I’ve not seen my husband for six years. My name is Shaloth. I got married to my husband when I was 17 years old. Yes, I got married early.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

We had two kids before I turned 20. My husband is the only child of his parents. His mom is late, but his dad is still alive and active; he’s 58 years old. My husband and I are living in the family house with his dad.

My father-in-law doesn’t have a problem. He goes to work and sometimes works from home, but you wouldn’t know he’s inside. My husband told me he has been processing his papers to travel. I was angry because he never told me, and I don’t like the idea of being separated from him.

My husband traveled, and I was alone with my two kids. Our communication became once a week. Sometimes he wouldn’t pick up for a month. I gradually turned into a lonely woman. I’m still young to be in such a situation.

Two years later, I still maintained my composure. My father-in-law said he would pay for the kids’ schooling and give me money for upkeep. He has a cook for himself, but I begged him to allow me to do the cooking since my husband isn’t here, and he accepted.

We cooked and ate together as one family. Since I got married, and even before I got married, I’ve never done any work. My father-in-law suggested I learn a skill. He paid for it, and after six months, he opened a shop for me. My father-in-law connected me to some of his friends, and I handled their parties and orders.

Because of my father-in-law, these four years have gone by, and my husband has not been in the picture. No calls, no picking up, no pictures. One day, I saw his picture online. I went to the comment section and dropped a comment asking if this was the reason he doesn’t want to check on his kids and his wife.

He deleted the comment immediately and blocked me. I cried my eyes out, but my father-in-law encouraged me. My husband is someone who doesn’t respect or take advice from his father or anyone.

In all these years, I have never stepped out or given room for any sexual activities with anyone. Yes, I am human. I feel lonely sometimes. I cry, and sometimes I touch myself and go to bed. My kids now call their grandfather “daddy.” Whenever he returns, my father-in-law has a party to attend, which was recognized by his company, but internationally.

Everyone was to come with a partner to South Africa. My father-in-law asked me if I’m interested in attending the party with him. I said yes, but I don’t have a passport. He assured me he would put everything in place. Finally, before the date of the event, my stuff was ready.

I took my two kids to my sister because they would be there all day. We entered our separate rooms. After a few hours, my father-in-law gave me a message that we would go clubbing that night. During the club outing, we had enough to drink, but not out of control. My father-in-law protected me like his wife. I felt love and prayed for him to touch me, but he didn’t. He took me to my room, closed the door, and went to his room. The next day, we went to the beach, having fun with games and snapping pictures. The kids spoke with him to confirm they were okay.

My father-in-law told me to call him the kind of life I’ve never experienced. After a few days, we came back home. That was when I started having a strong connection with my father-in-law. Each day, I prayed he would make a move to touch me. I wanted to be his. I’m in love with him. I’m scared because my husband doesn’t care to know anything about me for six years now.

After one week, I told my father-in-law I wanted to leave this marriage since his son doesn’t care and he’s not around. My father-in-law said he understands that every man should keep his wife. “I’ve watched you for years, and you’ve not given me any reason to doubt you,” my father-in-law said. “I don’t want you to go.

I want you to be my family. Since you came to this family, I know what I’ve experienced. Please stay with me. I will make life easy and peaceful for you. Haven’t I been trying?” my father-in-law asked.

“Yes, you have been trying, but I am a woman. I need you to touch me, make me feel like a woman,” I said. “That’s only in my mind. I am not a baby. I know what you need, but I don’t want you to feel I want to take advantage of you. I want to have you as my own because people already know I want to marry you,” my father-in-law said.

Immediately, I pushed him and kissed him, but he managed to stop. He said he wants to do it the right way so that he can swear he hasn’t touched me in the last six years. “I want to call you my own. The kids are mine already; you don’t need to give birth again. I want you to be my peace, and I will give you peace,” he said.

I was the happiest person at that moment. Soon, my husband came back. He came back with nothing, not even clothes, according to him. His wife took everything from him.

That night, I slept in the same room with him. He has been begging me, but my mind is made up. I am in love with his father, and there’s nothing anyone can tell me. His father has given me life and peace. Is it wrong to love his father…CONTINUE READING>>

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