Dates and milk have a lot of advantages. Dates with milk are not only delicious, but they are also good for your body and overall health. Many disorders can be cured with this combo.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
1. Coughing
To get rid of phlegm and battle a protracted cough, eat dates with warm milk and honey.
In a glass of milk, boil 5-8 dates.
While it’s still hot, take a sip.
2. Erectile dysfunction, anemia, and nervous diseases
Dates can also be used to treat anemia, erectile dysfunction, and neurological illnesses, among other things. Follow the steps outlined below.
In a glass of milk, soak a handful of the fruit for 24 hours.
On the tip of a knife, combine cardamom and saffron, as well as a teaspoon of grated ginger.
Consume this mixture while drinking milk.
This fruit can also be combined with walnuts to help fight anemia and increase strength.
3. Insomnia
If you’re having trouble sleeping, eat 2-3 of these fruits and then sip some warm milk.
4. Arrhythmias and heart pain
Eating two dates with two teaspoons of honey and half a glass of milk would be good if you have a fast heart rate or chest pain.
5. Hypertension
If there are no contraindications, it is suggested that you eat 50-70 g of dates soaked in milk thirty minutes before meals in the morning. The procedure will last three weeks. After a week and a half, you can do it again.
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