You guys have always been talking about being respected by not only women but also other people around.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
Now, there is no pain worse than being around a woman who disrespect you. You always feel like beating her up and teaching her some lesson.
But the problem we have is that, the law seems to favor girl child more than any other person.
That means, beating her up would only land you in a big problem. So, we thought about how you can make an Ignorant girl to respect you like nobody’s business.
And as a result, we came up with the following points that we think can serve you just so right.
In that case, we want you to listen up and maybe take screenshots for future reference if you Forget.
Without taking much time, here are the points we have for you, read and understand:
1. Stop talking and start doing.
A lot of guys out there always feel like saying just anything to keep a conversation going. Let’s remind you, no matter how much you feel that you need to talk, never speak about your goals.
What you never realize is that, the moment you speak about your goals, it is the moment when they lose value and giving up on them becomes so easy.
And as a result, she might see it as just a propaganda and this makes her lose respect for you because she now knows that you are just a good talker who can do nothing.
In that case, to make her respect you is why we say, you need to stop talking and start doing. Let people see results but not the progress. It is what will make her respect you even better.
2. Take care of your skin.
Most guys often do forget about their skin because they put more attention in the well being of a woman.
Such guys prefer making a woman feel nice, than making themselves feel good. And this is always a wrong decision.
Like, how can you forget about yourself and take care of someone who also has a way to take care of herself.
Instead of sending her the money, at least purchase a perfume for yourself. Buy yourself a skin oil to take care of your skin.
Don’t just move around with a dry and cracked skin because you are taking care of someone’s daughter. Let her father give her the money she wants for her basic needs.
Let your money take care of you and avoid taking care of someone who you do not know how long will be under your custody.
So, to make people respect you, make sure your skin glows and you look more healthy than they expect you to be.
3. Find something to keep you busy.
Well, what makes women disrespect you is the fact that they realize that you always lack something to do.
You are always looking to chat the whole day or make calls the whole day. Listen, you are A man and people expect you to be busy grooming your future.
Stop wasting time trying to text people each and every minute. At least let them miss you by keeping quiet at some time.
That means, no woman is always ready to respect an idler. She sees you as a person who doesn’t have goals and who doesn’t respect himself.
In that case, to make people respect you, you need to find something to do. Don’t just be sitting there waiting to receive texts so that you can reply to them.
That is a good lesson for the day, just find something to do and be busy. We hope it makes sense to you….CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLE>>>