How To Compliment A Girl Via Text

One thing you should never do is to compliment a girl for selfish aims. This means you should give compliments to a woman just because you want to feel good about it, or lead her on. You should give genuine compliments, especially if you like the girl.

Giving compliments to a girl is not a skill for taking advantage of them. It’s a way to express how you truly feel about them and if possible, take your relationship to another level. For this reason, you shouldn’t expect a girl to reciprocate or hope that she accepts you for your nice compliments.

You also want to be careful, so she doesn’t send you to the friend zone. But how do you do this? Here are 141 ways on how to compliment a girl over text.

Ways On How To Compliment A Girl Over Text

1. You are a great listener. I love it.

Listening is a good attribute and if a girl does this, you should compliment her.

2. I can’t seem to get over your cute smile.

A smile compliment always does the magic but be sure you say it from your heart so she doesn’t doubt you.

3. Your fashion sense is out of this world.

Women love compliments that are all about their fashion sense. Tell her she looks good in every cloth combination she wears.

4. I love how we always have a good conversation. It keeps me going.

It’s not easy to keep a good conversation with a cute guy you just met. If she can do this, compliment her.

5. You’re my favorite person in the world and I always want you around.

If you send this to a girl over text, it would bring her more joy to know that someone believes she’s relevant.

6. I admire your confidence. It inspires me.

Most guys don’t fancy confident girls as they sometimes mistake confidence for rudeness. If you feel different, you should tell her.

7. You wear the most stunning outfits.

One way to make a lady smile is by complimenting her outfit. Compliment her on the nice dress she wore the last time you saw her.

8. You’re the most beautiful girl I have met in a long time.

This is the best compliment for a girl who feels insecure. It will boost her self-esteem.

9. I always feel comfortable whenever I’m around you.

This is one of the most genuine compliments you can send to a girl over text. It will create a good level of friendship between you two.

10. I have met smart people, but yours beats my imagination.

One way to compliment a girl over text is by telling her she’s intelligent. It will make her respect you more.

11. There’s something so special about you but I can’t place it yet.

If you’re thinking about dating a girl but trying to avoid using flirty compliments with her, this is one of the unique compliments to try.

12. You have a very gorgeous face.

Try complimenting a girl over text by telling her she has a gorgeous face. It will make her blush.

13. Today is one of the happiest days of my life because I’m talking to a beautiful woman.

Women love compliments that connect to their beauty. It brings a certain level of joy to them.

14. You’re a good conversationalist. You can talk freely with anyone.

One of the compliments you could send to a girl over text is appreciating her ability to keep up with a good conversation with random people. It’s important when you’re texting.

15. I genuinely feel I can trust you.

Trust is not easy to come by, so if you send this to a girl over text, it would warm her heart towards you.

16. You have a very good sense of humor.

Girls love people to tell them they’re funny in different ways. If you send this, it would create good friendship.

17. Without you, the world would be a dead place.

This is one of the deepest compliments and you shouldn’t send it if you don’t mean it.

18. I’m glad to have a girl like you. You bring out the best in me.

If you’re dating a girl, this is one of the best text messages you can send to brighten her day.

19. Whenever you feel sad, just know you have a shoulder to cry on.

This is so assuring. Any girl who sees this text message would begin to build a level of trust for you.

20. When you smile, my problems disappear and I have nothing to worry about.

Compliments like this are heartwarming. This would make a girl like you more.

21. I can’t stop thinking about our last kiss. It was amazing.

If you’re comfortable with her and want to use flirty compliments, this is one way you can go.

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